Apr 25, 2024

Building a new life with the support of Daily Bread Food Bank

It will likely not surprise you that thousands of our neighbours are struggling to make ends meet. But for some, like Emmarine, the impact has been far more severe. 

Emmarine recently came to Canada from Uganda, leaving behind everything she once had for a chance at a brighter future, free from fear and persecution. 

But she was met with new challenges — some of the highest food and rent prices ever recorded, no job, and many barriers to entering the workforce.  

Despite having years of business experience and a post graduate diploma, Emmarine was unable to find work. As a result, life became unbelievably difficult. Every morning she woke up hungry, in a cramped apartment, worried about where her next meal would come from and whether today would be the day she’d get a job.  
“The truth is that it’s hard,” she shared. “It’s hard even for people who are working.” 

If it weren’t for the food bank, Emmarine would only have one meal per day. And sadly, she is not alone. 

One in ten people in Toronto are now relying on food banks, twice as many as the year before. Thousands are using it for the first time — there is simply no other option. These numbers are staggering — and not likely to decrease anytime soon. 

Click here to find out how you can help provide access to nutritious food for families and individuals like Emmarine.

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