May 29, 2020

Supporting our Community with the help of Tribute Communities

Tribute Communities is one the GTA’s largest homebuilders with over 35 years’ experience constructing more than 30,000 homes across Southern Ontario.  Now, Tribute is making one of the largest single donations to food banks in the region with a $500,000 donation to Daily Bread Food Bank!

This contribution is one of many within Tribute’s corporate social responsibility program, and by recognizing that food access is an essential part of building healthy communities, they are stepping up to the plate by supporting us in our fight against hunger!

Last year, there were over 1 million visits to food banks in Toronto, and that was before COVID-19 hit our city. Individuals living in poverty and experiencing hunger during this pandemic need this support now more than ever, as our onsite food bank has seen a one-hundred and fifty percent increase in client visits, with many new faces each week. 

What drives Tribute is not only the bricks and mortar of their homes, but also their responsibility to take part in the social, recreational, community and health-related causes in the communities in which they build and develop.  They do their best to respond to the community needs not only with donations but also with the time and energy spent.

“Food is a human right, and now more than ever, we need support to ensure that the tens of thousands of individuals who rely on food banks to feed their families have a place to turn to during this crisis”, says Neil Hetherington, CEO, Daily Bread Food Bank. “We are immensely grateful to Tribute Communities for their response to this crisis and commitment to building a stronger city.”

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