Feb 10, 2022

What is a Rights-Based Approach to food?

Clients shopping for potatoes and peppers at Daily Bread Food Bank

Food is a human right. No one should go hungry or face barriers in accessing the food they need. 

As a Rights-Based organization, Daily Bread Food Bank is guided by the following commitments:  

  1. Providing low-barrier service and equitable access to nutritious food and variety at all food programs. We do not require documentation at food programs. We will facilitate access to food to anyone who needs it, regardless of circumstance, and enable food choice whenever possible. 
  1. Providing respectful and dignified customer service at all food programs. We will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.   
  1. Empowering and prioritizing the people we serve. Our decisions will take into account the lived experience of the individuals we serve.  
  1. Advocating for the realization of the Right to Food. We will collaborate with groups and individuals to affirm food as a human right through robust advocacy for policies that encourage government bodies to act on the root causes of poverty.  
  1. Fostering a culture that reflects Rights-Based Approach principles and embedding practices in our ways of operating. From the Board of Directors, leadership, employees to member agencies, we will apply a rights-based lens to our work from governance, strategy, planning, delivery, and evaluation.  
  1. Embracing evidence-based decision making across the organization. We will leverage data, client input, and feedback in decision making processes, and leverage insights to continuously improve our programs, services, and operations. 

Click here to learn about Daily Bread Food Bank’s Mission, Vision and Values and our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.  

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